Friday, August 10, 2007

MIPA...May I Please Ask?

This year was my first year at MIPA. Before leaving my house, I was so excited to come here and expand my journalistic abilities. But by the end of MIPA I felt utterly defeated.

MIPA was a financial issue in my household, it was a lot of money for me to come, and my family and I sacrificed other things in our lives, so I could go and better myself. Hopefully giving me some training for what I hope to be my future career. But I feel that I have gained nothing. Just lost a lot of money.

When I read the pamphlets, they said that this would be an intense camp, with lots of writing, and skill building. I'll admit, I was a little nervous, but eager for the opportunity. But when I began my class, we hardly wrote at all. We took a few notes, and wrote two pieces, and that's it. I could have done that in my classroom during school for free. Or bought a book and took notes out of that, and wrote two pieces at home during dinner.

My roomate felt the same way. She said all they did everyday was sit on the computer. And that there was hardly any instruction at all. She said it was nothing different than what we had done in class during school. "It was like review." And she commented that when she would ask for advice, or ask a question, the answers she recieved were weak, and less than helpful.

I thought the teachers hired here were supposed to be the best in the country. If this is true, then I fear for the education of America.

I came to MIPA expecting to be challenged, and really pushed. Instead I felt like I was being held back, and that perhaps, my skills as a writer have weakened.

I really liked the idea of MIPA, and I was very interested in it's goals, but after this, being my first experience, I probably won't come back.

This makes me sad, because journalism, and writing are all I ever do. But my family doesn't have that kind of money to just toss around on camps that do nothing to help me in life.

I think MIPA could have been a great experience, and maybe it was just this year. But the flyers shouldn't say that it will be intense, and then just be relaxed. Perhaps, others got a lot out of the camp, I don't know. My father said that maybe I didn't take a lot away from camp, because the quality of the school I attend is so high, that we were ahead.

I can't be sure what the reason is. Does anyone else feel like MIPA was less than expected?

Comments Please.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hey All You MIPAcans...

So, MIPA, what can we say about you?

You make us sweaty and hot.
Uncomfortble at night.
And you make our stomaches cringe at the sight of your food.

Not really motivation, to come visit, but what brings us back every year?

The wonderful instructors, the great lessons we learn, and of course THE DAIRY STORE!

MIPA, you have taught us a lot, and you've helped us become better journalists, and better people. We've met new friends, shared a lot of laughs, and even saved a bat (haha... not kidding).

The experiences we've had here could never be duplicated or replaced.

MIPA; You're amazing!!

MIPA 2007... Journalism is forever!!!



So now that we only have one full day left of mipa I have to say that I have had a great time. The first night I got no sleep, I have been sweating my butt off since I got here, and I have yet to go back for seconds at any meal but I have loved this experience. We went to a really cool music store (FBC) that everyone here should check out before they leave. It is unlike anything I have ever been to and even if your not a music freak you will be amused looking at some of the most bizarre music titles I have ever heard. I came to mipa because I wanted to improve my writing. I love writing and plan to head into journalism after school. Mipa has made me even more excited about this. Listening to people talk about their experiences with journalism has made me eager to start my own journey. We talked to the opinion editor of State News and his stories and anwers to our questions increased my desire to one day have similar stories. I hope that everyone here has gained something as great as this from this week. Enjoy your last 2 days at mipa!!


Hello fellow MIPA attendes

This week at MIPA has been absolutely fantastic. i'll admit i'm not exactly the virtuoso at journalism, but I've enjoyed my expereince none the less, learning alongside the best of the best. I've enjoyed playing pool, as well as playing basketball with Michigan State college students. Writing columns and learning about opinion writing has been awesome. I've even picked up a few new pieces of music here and there. I thought Stardust was a great movie, it was cool to see it for free. hope everybody is enjoying it as much as I do.

sam tzou

"yeah, i heard there was a party this weekend"

I'm in the opinion writing class and we read an article about how West High School's yearbook was under review for publishing a spread that had the title of "Yeah, I heard there was a party this weekend" and it contained controversial pictures. One was of a guy holding a beer keg over his head. In defense, the advisor said "Don't shoot the messenger."

While it is a publications job to report what's going on in high school, I think some take it too far and abuse the freedom of being able to write whatever you want. It's a question of ethics and while you can right about whatever you want... there are some things you shouldn't write about.

Underage drinking does go on in high school, but publications shouldn't glamorize it. Most everyone knows it goes on so there's no need to report about it and have the possiblity of a younger sibling read the page and think "Woah, I get to drink in high school." Also, it can give the school (and sometimes community) a bad reputation, and not every single person in high school drinks.

My Week At MIPA

Other than the sauna-like conditions of the dorm rooms and the less than gourmet food options available, MIPA has been a great experience. I've gotten to know people better that I don't usually hang out with at school and improved my writing style. Unfortunatly by the time I get back I will be a stage 3 addict of the ice cream at the Dairy Store.

Survival List

So MIPA, dear old MIPA, what do I have to say about it?

I'm definitely excited I got stuck in the "cool" class; we walk to the record store for class and debate all the time. However, in a room full of such opinionated people, it can get a little heated. I am impressed in the maturity of people here. No one has gotten out of hand, or out of control. But there are a few suggestions I have for people who may want to come here:

1. Bring several changes of clothing- you might want to change several times a day because it's so hot.
2. If you plan on going somewhere besides the cafeteria to eat, be sure you know EXACTLY where you are going; the maps they provide don't even have half of the buildings on campus, and are basically worthless. You may end up getting lost for over an hour looking for somwhere, as all the buildings look similar.
3. Go somewhere besides the cafeteria to eat. Seriously.
4. Meet new people- really, there are cool people here, and you may get tired of the people from your school.
5. Go into town and look around, there are some really fun, cool places, and Potbellies Sanwichworks is really good.
6. Be active in your class. If you come and just chill in the back of the room, why did you (or your school) pay all that money? You can do that at home for free.
7. Bring an umbrella- otherwise you might get stuck in class all wet and cold.
8. Bring sweaters. A lot of classrooms are seriously over-air-conditioned and it comes in handy.
9. Suck all the information you can from your teachers. Some of them ACTUALLY know what they're talking about and have good tips. Also, they may know your advisers, so be nice to them.
10. Pose for all the cameras- it makes you feel like a movie star! They're everywhere.

So have fun at MIPA camp, you know you love it, and you're just as nerdy as anyone else here.