Friday, August 10, 2007

MIPA...May I Please Ask?

This year was my first year at MIPA. Before leaving my house, I was so excited to come here and expand my journalistic abilities. But by the end of MIPA I felt utterly defeated.

MIPA was a financial issue in my household, it was a lot of money for me to come, and my family and I sacrificed other things in our lives, so I could go and better myself. Hopefully giving me some training for what I hope to be my future career. But I feel that I have gained nothing. Just lost a lot of money.

When I read the pamphlets, they said that this would be an intense camp, with lots of writing, and skill building. I'll admit, I was a little nervous, but eager for the opportunity. But when I began my class, we hardly wrote at all. We took a few notes, and wrote two pieces, and that's it. I could have done that in my classroom during school for free. Or bought a book and took notes out of that, and wrote two pieces at home during dinner.

My roomate felt the same way. She said all they did everyday was sit on the computer. And that there was hardly any instruction at all. She said it was nothing different than what we had done in class during school. "It was like review." And she commented that when she would ask for advice, or ask a question, the answers she recieved were weak, and less than helpful.

I thought the teachers hired here were supposed to be the best in the country. If this is true, then I fear for the education of America.

I came to MIPA expecting to be challenged, and really pushed. Instead I felt like I was being held back, and that perhaps, my skills as a writer have weakened.

I really liked the idea of MIPA, and I was very interested in it's goals, but after this, being my first experience, I probably won't come back.

This makes me sad, because journalism, and writing are all I ever do. But my family doesn't have that kind of money to just toss around on camps that do nothing to help me in life.

I think MIPA could have been a great experience, and maybe it was just this year. But the flyers shouldn't say that it will be intense, and then just be relaxed. Perhaps, others got a lot out of the camp, I don't know. My father said that maybe I didn't take a lot away from camp, because the quality of the school I attend is so high, that we were ahead.

I can't be sure what the reason is. Does anyone else feel like MIPA was less than expected?

Comments Please.

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