Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Survival List

So MIPA, dear old MIPA, what do I have to say about it?

I'm definitely excited I got stuck in the "cool" class; we walk to the record store for class and debate all the time. However, in a room full of such opinionated people, it can get a little heated. I am impressed in the maturity of people here. No one has gotten out of hand, or out of control. But there are a few suggestions I have for people who may want to come here:

1. Bring several changes of clothing- you might want to change several times a day because it's so hot.
2. If you plan on going somewhere besides the cafeteria to eat, be sure you know EXACTLY where you are going; the maps they provide don't even have half of the buildings on campus, and are basically worthless. You may end up getting lost for over an hour looking for somwhere, as all the buildings look similar.
3. Go somewhere besides the cafeteria to eat. Seriously.
4. Meet new people- really, there are cool people here, and you may get tired of the people from your school.
5. Go into town and look around, there are some really fun, cool places, and Potbellies Sanwichworks is really good.
6. Be active in your class. If you come and just chill in the back of the room, why did you (or your school) pay all that money? You can do that at home for free.
7. Bring an umbrella- otherwise you might get stuck in class all wet and cold.
8. Bring sweaters. A lot of classrooms are seriously over-air-conditioned and it comes in handy.
9. Suck all the information you can from your teachers. Some of them ACTUALLY know what they're talking about and have good tips. Also, they may know your advisers, so be nice to them.
10. Pose for all the cameras- it makes you feel like a movie star! They're everywhere.

So have fun at MIPA camp, you know you love it, and you're just as nerdy as anyone else here.

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